cash & carry dinners
Too busy to cook?
Don't like to cook?
Aren't good at cooking?
Whatever reason that stops you from putting a meal on the table, we'll fix it! Cash & Carry Dinner Night with The Community Plate makes it easy to have dinner ready for the whole family, as soon as you walk in the door... or shortly after, depending on how long the drive home is! Just a few things you need to know:
Super simple!
All orders will need to be placed by 3PM on Monday for Wednesday pickup. You can order via email only - christina@thecommunityplate.com
convenient location!
Picking up your order is easy! Pickup is located in a well-known area, outside of Towson and just 20 minutes from Baltimore. It is convenient to 695, Perring Parkway, Joppa Road, Harford Road, and more.
family friendly!
There will be two main-course options to order each week, noted on the monthly calendar. Salad, vegetable, and starch will be the same for both options. Certain dietary restrictive menus are available, simply let us know in your order email!